TeraRecon Announces Expansion with Change Healthcare

Monday, July 24, 2023

TeraRecon announced expansion with Change Healthcare. This expansion aims to benefit over 3,500 diagnostic imaging providers globally, including those in Australia.

Under the extended agreement, Change Healthcare will become the exclusive distributor of TeraRecon's advanced visualisation solution, Intuition™, in the Australian market.

Intuition™ is renowned for its vendor-agnostic capabilities and is considered the gold standard in the industry. By making this cutting-edge technology more accessible through Change Healthcare, healthcare providers in Australia will have the opportunity to leverage TeraRecon's best-in-class solutions.

The agreement offers Australian healthcare providers access to TeraRecon's highly acclaimed advanced visualisation solutions, including Intuition Titanium, which is a recently launched subscription-based offering.

The expanded partnership between TeraRecon and Change Healthcare is set to enhance medical imaging and diagnostic capabilities in Australia, empowering healthcare professionals with the latest advancements in visualisation technology. With these sophisticated solutions at disposal, medical practitioners can elevate diagnostic accuracy and efficiency, ultimately benefiting patients and the healthcare system as a whole.


Source: prnewswire.com