Previous Issue - Issue 42


Issue 42 | 2018

  • Foreword
  • Healthcare Management
  • Medical Sciences
  • Facilities & Operations Management
  • Advertorials

Issue 42



With digital transformation the consumer rather than the technology is in the drivers seat and this matters Forbes Digital transformation has been the buzz word across industries the world over Healthcare as a sector has been relying on technology to provide better care in an efficient and effective manner Technology has revolutionised the

Healthcare Management

Improbable yes; impossible no

The recent announcement by ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation that India would be embarking on a Human Space Programme Gaganyaan scheduled for launch in December has excited hard core telehealth evangelists in India India will now be the fourth country in the world after Russia USA and China to launch a manned space flight Monitoring in real...

To Be . . . or Not to Be?

As a speaker and consultant on ways for medical personnel to be more effective communicators with their patients I am often described by people as a patient advocate That I am not its not because I dont believe patient advocacy but it simply wasnt my experien

The past, the present, and the future

The term patient experience is subjective to the factors not directly associated with the quality of processes The measurement of patient experience is complicated by numerous terms and usages that have been applied Therefore patient experience is seen as a central out

Medical Sciences

Obesity terminology and its existence as a disease has been surrounded by controversy in the fraternity Though the recognition of obesity as a disease is increasing variable acknowledgment in health policies continues to exist across the globe The recognition of obesity as a disease is important and has been long debated The conventional Biostat...


We caught up with Professor Sylvia Haas the grand doyenne of Novel Oral Anticoagulants NOACs after one of her presentations at the APSC Congress in Taipei Prof Haas has been involved in the research and development of direct factor Xa inhibitor NOACs for more than years In that time she has been a codeveloper of several NOACs including rivaraxoba...

The universallyaccessible primary care is a fundamental component of an effective health system as per the Declaration of AlmaAta Global comparisons among different countries have repeatedly indicated that healthcare systems with a strong primary care sector evidently achieve better health outcomes and cost savings than underdeveloped primary care...

Facilities & Operations Management

Healthcareacquired infections or Hospital Acquired Infections HAIs are the most common complications of hospital care leading to high morbidity and mortality While the World Health Organization WHO estimates about per cent HAIs burden in hospitalised patients globally


Many countries across Asia are experiencing demographic changes that are likely to have a significant impact on future opportunities for private hospitals and clinics Population demographics are rapidly ageing for some countries accelerating demand for acute and emergency care This has forced some Governments to play catchup building capacity af...

Servicing healthcare companies

Please elaborate on the most important factors that you look up to while providing investment services to healthcare companies First focusing on companies that have the potential to become market leaders and these companies typically exhibit scalability market differentiation and strong growth potential Second investing in businesses with stron...